Perfluorelastomers (FFKM) is fully fluorinated elastomers which has the best ability to against extreme environments and is also the most expensive among synthetic elastomers. In general, FFKM contains fluorine in 74-76%. More fluorine help FFKM to work between -30 to 290 °C and can survive well at transient 330°C working environment. FFKM have been designed for the most aggressive conditions, such as hot acids, alkalis, esters, ketones, alcohols and fuels; which leads to its application in semiconducting, fuel and aerospace industry. Similar as FKM, most of end users are confused from FFKM O-rings to Dupont® Kalrez® O-rings. Dupont® is the major FFKM O-ring suppler in the world and Kalrez® is just their product name. However, there are more suppliers around the world also offer FFKM sealing products or O-ring with a competitive quality and price to Kalrez®.