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Sealtech Vietnam
Giới thiệu
Sản phẩm
Hallite Rod seals
Single acting piston seals
Double acting piston seals
Vee packs
Hallite Wiper seals
Hallite Bearings
Hallite Unitized pistons
Hallite Swivel seals
Rod buffer seals
Hallite Pneumatic seals
Hallite Additional products
Hallite PTFE portfolio
Valqua seals
Slydring - Wear Rings
Rotary Seals
ABC seal
Ứng dụng
Tin tức
Tài liệu
Gapi O-ring
Hướng dẫn lắp đặt
Hướng dẫn vận hành
Liên hệ
Tất cả danh mục
Sealtech Vietnam
Giới thiệu
Sản phẩm
Hallite Rod seals
Single acting piston seals
Double acting piston seals
Vee packs
Hallite Wiper seals
Hallite Bearings
Hallite Unitized pistons
Hallite Swivel seals
Rod buffer seals
Hallite Pneumatic seals
Hallite Additional products
Hallite PTFE portfolio
Valqua seals
Slydring - Wear Rings
Rotary Seals
ABC seal
Ứng dụng
Tin tức
Tài liệu
Gapi O-ring
Hướng dẫn lắp đặt
Hướng dẫn vận hành
Liên hệ
Trang chủ
VULCAN Mechanical seal
Nhà sản xuất
VULCAN Mechanical seal
Sắp xếp:
Thứ tự
Mặc định
A → Z
Z → A
Giá tăng dần
Giá giảm dần
Hàng mới nhất
Hàng cũ nhất
Vulcan type 56B
Vulcan type 56B
Modular Design Balanced, multiple spring, ’O’-Ring Mounted, self-aligning Stationary, fourbolt Gland, Rotary Cartridge Seal Assembly.
Plain Gland Type 52B or Type 56B with
Tangential Flush
Vulcan type 52B
Vulcan type 52B
Modular Design Balanced, multiple spring, ’O’-Ring Mounted, self-aligning Stationary, fourbolt Gland, Rotary Cartridge Seal Assembly.
Plain Gland Type 52B or Type 56B with
Tangential Flush
Vulcan type 55B
Vulcan type 55B
Modular design, Balanced, multiple spring,
’O’-Ring Mounted, two-bolt gland Cartridge
Seal Assembly, with dual tangential flush as
standard. Designed with minimal internal and
Vulcan type 40S
Vulcan type 40S
The Type 40 is a narrow profile, hydraulically balanced, multiple spring internal Mechanical Seal with an advanced robust design and high performance.
Vulcan type 40L
Vulcan type 40L
The Type 40 is a narrow profile, hydraulically balanced, multiple spring internal Mechanical Seal with an advanced robust design and high performance.
Vulcan type 40
Vulcan type 40
The Type 40 is a narrow profile, hydraulically balanced, multiple spring internal Mechanical Seal with an advanced robust design and high performance.
Vulcan type 1659BSL
Vulcan type 1659BSL
Specify a Type 24 DIN Long 'O'-Ring stationary seal by addition of an "L" to the end of the type: 1659L / 1659SL.
Vulcan type 1659SL
Vulcan type 1659SL
Specify a Type 24 DIN Long 'O'-Ring stationary seal by addition of an "L" to the end of the type: 1659L / 1659SL.
Vulcan type 1659L
Vulcan type 1659L
Specify a Type 24 DIN Long 'O'-Ring stationary seal by addition of an "L" to the end of the type: 1659L / 1659SL.
Vulcan type 1659BS
Vulcan type 1659BS
Narrow profile, metric shaft, multiple spring Seal with a highly efficient design. These seals are frequently fitted with Type 24 DIN Long 'O'-Ring Stationaries.
Types 1659B and 1659BS are
Vulcan type 1659B
Vulcan type 1659B
Narrow profile, metric shaft, multiple spring Seal with a highly efficient design. These seals are frequently fitted with Type 24 DIN Long 'O'-Ring Stationaries.
Types 1659B and 1659BS are
Vulcan type 1659S
Vulcan type 1659S
Narrow profile, metric shaft, multiple spring seal with a highly efficient design. These Seals are frequently fitted with Type 24 DIN Long 'O'-Ring stationary seals.
Type 1659 incorporates
Vulcan type 1659
Vulcan type 1659
Narrow profile, metric shaft, multiple spring seal with a highly efficient design. These Seals are frequently fitted with Type 24 DIN Long 'O'-Ring stationary seals.
Type 1659 incorporates
Vulcan type 1645BS
Vulcan type 1645BS
Narrow profile, multiple spring seal, designed for the common American ANSI B73-1974 centrifugal pump standard.
Frequently fitted with Type 23 PTFE boot mounted stationary seal.
Vulcan type 1645B
Vulcan type 1645B
Narrow profile, multiple spring seal, designed for the common American ANSI B73-1974 centrifugal pump standard.
Frequently fitted with Type 23 PTFE boot mounted stationary seal.
Vulcan type 1645S
Vulcan type 1645S
Narrow profile, multiple spring seal, designed for the common American ANSI B73-1974 centrifugal pump standard.
Frequently fitting with Type 23 PTFE boot stationary seal.
Type 16
Vulcan type 1645
Vulcan type 1645
Narrow profile, multiple spring seal, designed for the common American ANSI B73-1974 centrifugal pump standard.
Frequently fitting with Type 23 PTFE boot stationary seal.
Type 16
Vulcan type 1609BS
Vulcan type 1609BS
Multiple spring seal with a highly effective design, commonly used in chemical and petrochemical duties.
Frequently fitted with a Type 25 clamped stationary seal.
Types 1609B and
Vulcan type 1609B
Vulcan type 1609B
Multiple spring seal with a highly effective design, commonly used in chemical and petrochemical duties.
Frequently fitted with a Type 25 clamped stationary seal.
Types 1609B and
Vulcan type 1609S
Vulcan type 1609S
Multiple Spring Seal with a highly effective design, commonly used in chemical and petrochemical duties. Frequently fitted along with the Type 25 clamped Stationary.
Type 1609 incorporates
Vulcan type 1609
Vulcan type 1609
Multiple Spring Seal with a highly effective design, commonly used in chemical and petrochemical duties. Frequently fitted along with the Type 25 clamped Stationary.
Type 1609 incorporates
Vulcan type 98
Vulcan type 98
Robust, general purpose, unbalanced pusher-type, ‘O’-Ring mounted seal. Very similar to the Type 97 but with a double elastomeric Type 98 ’O’-Ring mounted stationary and dimensions to suit common Asia
Vulcan type 97
Vulcan type 97
Robust, general purpose, unbalanced pusher-type, ‘O’-Ring mounted seal capable of many shaft-sealing duties. The Type 97 drives from the shaft, via the drive collar with grub screws, inserted in the s
Vulcan type 96
Vulcan type 96
Robust, general purpose, unbalanced pusher-type, ‘O’-Ring mounted seal, capable of many shaft-sealing duties. The Type 96 drives from the shaft via a split ring, inserted in the coil tail.
Vulcan type 95
Vulcan type 95
Robust, general purpose, unbalanced pusher-type, ‘O’-Ring mounted seal, capable of many shaft-sealing duties. The Type 95 drives directly from the shaft, via a raised area of the shaft.
Vulcan type A5J
Vulcan type A5J
Available as Type A5 with Type 11 boot-mounted seat, or as Type A5J with Type 31 ‘O’-Ring mounted stationary.
Robust, rubber diaphragm balanced Seal
Long working length
Vulcan type A5
Vulcan type A5
Available as Type A5 with Type 11 boot-mounted seat, or as Type A5J with Type 31 ‘O’-Ring mounted stationary.
Robust, rubber diaphragm balanced Seal
Long working length
Vulcan type A4J
Vulcan type A4J
Available as Type A4 with a Type 11 boot-mounted seat, or as Type A4J with a Type 31 ‘O’-Ring mounted stationary.
Robust, rubber diaphragm balanced Seal
Short working len
Vulcan type A4
Vulcan type A4
Available as Type A4 with a Type 11 boot-mounted seat, or as Type A4J with a Type 31 ‘O’-Ring mounted stationary.
Robust, rubber diaphragm balanced Seal
Short working len
Vulcan type A2H
Vulcan type A2H
The A2 Type coil fits over the seal head, reducing the overall working length, making this seal suitable for short gland depth applications. Improved design features further enhance this popular seal.
Vulcan type A2
Vulcan type A2
The A2 Type coil fits over the seal head, reducing the overall working length, making this seal suitable for short gland depth applications. Improved design features further enhance this popular seal.
Vulcan type A1
Vulcan type A1
Robust, long working length, highly accommodating and reliable, rubber diaphragm balanced seal, which provides enhanced seal capability, performance and life. The Type A1 has a retainer backing plate,
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ĐT: 0946 265 720
Ms. Nhi
ĐT: 0913 914 018
Mr. Long
ĐT: 0918 834 615
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